Microsoft Power Pages Capabilities

Microsoft Power Pages is a low-code, cloud-based platform for creating, hosting, and administering modern external-facing business websites. It is part of the Microsoft Power Platform, which also includes Power Apps, Power Automate, and Power BI.

This article provides an overview of key Power Pages capabilities.

Simplified authoring experience for maker

Effortlessly create new blog sites right from the Power Pages homepage using the pre-designed default template or explore a variety of industry-specific starter templates.

Design Studio

Using Design Studio, you can build powerful and engaging sites without writing a single line of code.

The updated Design Studio offers four distinct workspaces to streamline your website development process:

  • Pages Workspace: This workspace is dedicated to creating, designing, and organizing webpages. Here, you can easily build and arrange the content of your site’s pages.
  • Styling Workspace: In this workspace, you can apply various styles and themes to your website, giving it a unique and visually appealing look. Customize fonts, colors, layouts, and more to create a cohesive design.
  • Data Workspace: The Data workspace is designed specifically for creating and modifying tables in Microsoft Dataverse. This feature is especially useful for developing data-driven web applications, allowing you to manage and manipulate data seamlessly.
  • Set Up Workspace: The Set Up workspace focuses on administration and site management. Here, you can handle tasks such as configuring site settings, managing user access and permissions, and overseeing the overall functionality of your website.

These workspaces provide dedicated environments for different aspects of website development, allowing you to efficiently work on each component and enhance your site’s overall quality.

Responsive Rendering

Power Pages is built on Bootstrap, a popular front-end framework that offers native support for creating responsive and mobile-friendly websites across different devices and screen sizes. By leveraging Bootstrap’s features and components, Power Pages enables you to develop websites that automatically adapt and adjust their layout and design to provide an optimal user experience on desktops, tablets, and mobile devices.

Advanced Development Capabilities for Pro Developers

Makers can collaborate with professional developers in fusion teams, combining their expertise to enhance the functionality of business application websites. By leveraging tools such as Visual Studio Code and the Microsoft Power Platform CLI, they can create powerful and customized solutions.

Integration With Other Microsoft Power Platform Components

Power Pages offers seamless integration with various Microsoft Power Platform components, expanding its capabilities and enhancing the functionality of your websites.

  • Dataverse: Securely store and manage data for business applications and Power Pages. Use model-driven app constructs for easy data visualization and interaction.
  • Power Apps: Create custom mobile and web apps using low-code/no-code approach. SharePoint integration enables quick intranet site development and efficient data sharing.
  • Power Automate: Seamlessly create automated workflows, plug-ins, and cloud flows to extend business logic and interact with data in and outside of Dataverse.
  • Power BI: Access visually immersive insights from business data. Integrate reports, dashboards, and tiles into Power Pages. Embed external data for deeper information.
  • Power Virtual Agents: Effortlessly create and publish AI-driven chatbots for enhanced customer support and user engagement on external-facing websites.

Security and Governance

Power Pages prioritizes built-in security, enabling organizations to securely grant access to business data for both internal and external users through authorization rules.

Power Pages offers flexible authentication options, allowing organizations to choose from various authentication providers or enable anonymous access to site content. Additionally, it is hosted on Azure App Service, which adheres to ISO, SOC, and PCI DSS compliance standards.

Power Pages complies with ISO, SOC, and PCI DSS standards, ensuring high-security standards. It supports TLS 1.2 encryption, Azure DDoS protection, and dynamic IP restriction to mitigate risks from malicious actors. Admins have secure, configuration-driven tools to address web security vulnerabilities like injection attacks, cross-site request forgery, and server-side request forgery.

Power Pages provides helpful tools for administrators to manage the administration and lifecycle of their sites and environments.

For more information: Power Pages Security, Power Pages Governance

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